Automation Classification EDRMS and ECM Intranets

Saving SharePoint Document Library/List Settings as a Template

Have you ever spent 20-minutes setting up a document library in SharePoint with multiple views, a folder structure, default column values, some custom columns, content types, and perhaps some default content, then struggled to copy the settings to another library? Fear not, brave SharePoint Site Owner, there’s a simple and sometimes hidden route to awesome…

Classification Communities of Practice EDRMS and ECM Internet Tips Intranets

Improving Findability on your Intranet: Collection Management Essentials

I believe your intranet can help staff find the information they are likely to need faster. It can be the popular, respected and well used digital library that your staff expect it to be. But according to CMSWire, in a recent survey of over 20,000 employees from 67 organizations, this is not often the case:

Classification EDRMS and ECM Records Management Software

How to Manage Emails: Taming the Outlook silos with Mail Manager

One of the abiding concerns of records managers is how to manage emails. Theoretically it is simple; they should be managed as you would other records. Practically, however, the situation is fraught with complexity…

Classification EDRMS and ECM Open Source Records Management Software

The future of EDRMS: change is ours for the taking

In my previous post I dealt with a fundamental difference between records management and the Web 2.0 environment – namely hierarchical classification vs tagging. I posited that EDRMS providers will have to take this, as well as other Web 2.0 functionality, into consideration when building their systems for the future. Steve Bailey has prompted this […]

EDRMS and ECM Open Source Software

Open source software: building profitable solutions for people

In the computer software market there is a movement that is gaining tremendous momentum throughout the world. It promises a way out of the trap that has been snaring businesses and consumers. A trap that forces them to pay for a dizzying collection of services that they are unable to modify, and probably don’t want.

Classification EDRMS and ECM Records Management

Seven ways for records management to green your business

Most of us are aware of the chilling environmental catastrophe lurking around the corner if we don’t do something drastic now to lesson our tread on the planet’s fragile ecosystem. Here are some no-nonsense, effective tips to not only alter your behaviour to save the planet but make considerable long-term cost and efficiency savings for […]

EDRMS and ECM Records Management

The National Archives: providing inspirational leadership

Bright, enthusiastic and driven to bring information management to the fore in the minds of the nation’s leaders, Natalie Ceeney, the youthful ‘Keeper of the Records’ at The National Archives delivered an inspirational opening address to the delegates of the twenty-first Records Management in Government conference in Newcastle on the 4th of October, 2006.

Classification EDRMS and ECM Records Management

Folder structures: where should we put records?

We’ve all been there – finding ourselves lost in a jumble of documents. But with a little forethought you will be able to create an effective set of folders for your documents to clean up that clutter and get on with what it is you do best.