Communities of Practice Intranets Social Learning

Essentials for Internal Communities of Practice

Communities of practice are essential for any organisation to grow its capabilities, respond quickly to opportunities and challenges in the market, and gain an engaged, productive, and satisfied workforce. Creating and growing such communities takes investment and skill.

Communities of Practice Data Intranets

What’s missing from the new Yammer?

The new version of Yammer is a massive improvement over the previous – full text and interactive emails, favouriting communities, the replacement of Yammer profiles with the Office 365 ones, and the hidden gem of closing posts to further comments have been met with universal acclaim. I’m not here to gush, however, so lets get […]

Communities of Practice Data Intranets

Finding the most liked Yammer message

We wanted to improve our communications, and figured that understanding the characteristics of messages that had lots of ‘likes’ would help us do that. A request to find the most liked Yammer messages in our network was received, and we and figured out a way to find it…

Communities of Practice Internet Tips Social Learning

On Social Learning with Harold Jarche and Steve Wheeler

Late last week I met with Harold Jarche, who was one of the closing speakers at the Learning Technologies Summer Forum. One of the opening speakers, Steve Wheeler was also at the hotel and joined us for the first hour. We had a wide-ranging discussion that had implications for a number of knowledge management issues. […]

Communities of Practice

Gamification: Where the Real Online Communities Game Lies

Gamification is often used in social web applications to make use of people’s desire for competition, status, achievement and altruism by giving rewards to participants. Rewards might include points, badges or levels, the filling of a progress bar, ratings, or highlighting accomplishments via leader boards. I’ve certainly been motivated once or twice to get myself […]

Classification Communities of Practice EDRMS and ECM Internet Tips Intranets

Improving Findability on your Intranet: Collection Management Essentials

I believe your intranet can help staff find the information they are likely to need faster. It can be the popular, respected and well used digital library that your staff expect it to be. But according to CMSWire, in a recent survey of over 20,000 employees from 67 organizations, this is not often the case:

Communities of Practice Intranets Social Learning

Using your Intranet to improve employee satisfaction

Normally when we work on an intranet it is to provide direct business benefits; to find effective and efficient ways to improve company profits. ‘Let’s publish more brochures to help win work’ or ‘Let’s do a round of health and safety awareness to limit our liability’. Studies abound, however, linking employee satisfaction with an improved […]

Communities of Practice Intranets

Building your online Community of Practice

Communities of practice often grow organically from a forum to needing a website to store relevant information on to a full blown site riddled with features. As this occurs it can gradually lead to a diaspora of resources across a variety of platforms as new functionality requirements – document storage, webpage editing, calendar functionality, search […]