Communities of Practice Intranets Social Learning

Using your Intranet to improve employee satisfaction

Normally when we work on an intranet it is to provide direct business benefits; to find effective and efficient ways to improve company profits. ‘Let’s publish more brochures to help win work’ or ‘Let’s do a round of health and safety awareness to limit our liability’. Studies abound, however, linking employee satisfaction with an improved […]

Communities of Practice Intranets

Building your online Community of Practice

Communities of practice often grow organically from a forum to needing a website to store relevant information on to a full blown site riddled with features. As this occurs it can gradually lead to a diaspora of resources across a variety of platforms as new functionality requirements – document storage, webpage editing, calendar functionality, search […]

Classification Internet Tips Intranets

Publishing information: webpages and HTML for beginners

In today’s ‘information age’ we’re often confronted with a variety of content types – Open Office, MS Word, PDFs, scanned images even. Increasingly however the webpage is becoming the content type of choice. And for good reasons over and above other formats. Web pages: