Freedom of Information

Freedom of information resources for the professional

Whether you’ve just started out or have been working in information law for years, this article lists cialis online generic UK FOI resources comprehensively, with links to stater packs, government websites, professional organisations and resources to keep you up to date.

Freedom of Information Records Management

Early day motion on freedom of information and fees

Further to the post below, the DCA recently issued the following announcement: At 10am today, 16th December 2006, the Department for Constitutional Affairs published the consultation document ‘Draft Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2007’.

Calendars Freedom of Information Records Management

Online records and knowledge management events calendar

There are a number of sources for training seminars, workshops, conferences and other events in UK knowledge, records and information management sector, but none seem to bring them all together. Enter the Information Handyman’s Information Calendar:

Freedom of Information Open Source Software

HowTo: Putting the FOI Monitor into action

A help file to assist you with using the free Freedom of Information Act monitoring software available from the ‘FOI Monitor’ link above.

Freedom of Information

Freedom of information: answering requests

We’ve covered how to ask a Freedom of Information Act question to a public authority, but how should you expect your public authority to reply? Or, for those who are receiving a request, how do you best go about answering it? Openness, transparency and a willingness to be accountable for actions are the bottom line, […]

Freedom of Information Records Management

UK Freedom of Information: How to submit a request

There was much ado in January 2005 when the Freedom of Information Act came into force, with newspapers publicising some high profile instances where they had used the Act to obtain information. However, many people are still in the dark as to how exactly to submit a request. “Is there a special form to fill […]