Records Management

Online Document Storage

It`s a digital age and almost all our data is kept on devices such as computers. However, if your computer breaks down and you haven`t backed up your information you could find yourself in trouble. Most of us have created a document at some point, only to lose it due to corrupted files, computer glitches […]

Classification Internet Tips Intranets

Publishing information: webpages and HTML for beginners

In today’s ‘information age’ we’re often confronted with a variety of content types – Open Office, MS Word, PDFs, scanned images even. Increasingly however the webpage is becoming the content type of choice. And for good reasons over and above other formats. Web pages:

Classification EDRMS and ECM Open Source Records Management Software

The future of EDRMS: change is ours for the taking

In my previous post I dealt with a fundamental difference between records management and the Web 2.0 environment – namely hierarchical classification vs tagging. I posited that EDRMS providers will have to take this, as well as other Web 2.0 functionality, into consideration when building their systems for the future. Steve Bailey has prompted this […]

Classification Records Management

To classify or not: records management vs user management

Ever since Euan Semple inveighed with his keynote speech at the RMS Conference in April on the potential of user-controlled electronic content management systems – Digg, Flickr,, Google Docs, Blogging, Discussion Forums, Web 2.0, and all that internet schnazz I’d be lost without – there’s been a right hoo-har about the relevance of electronic […]

Data Protection

Information, knowledge and records management search engine

The Information Handyman has developed, in conjunction with google, a customised search engine that only generates results from UK:

Records Management

Getting a job in the records management industry

Part of any records manager’s career is getting a job in the industry. Some folks gain experience in a position because no-one else wants it then feel a need to move into a more RM specific position, others find themselves graduating with a records management qualification and seeking employment, still others find records management to […]

Freedom of Information

Freedom of information resources for the professional

Whether you’ve just started out or have been working in information law for years, this article lists cialis online generic UK FOI resources comprehensively, with links to stater packs, government websites, professional organisations and resources to keep you up to date.

Information Audit Records Management

Records management – resources for the professional

This in no way attempts to provide a comprehensive list of all records management resources available in the UK, what it does provide is some essential resources I’ve found myself regularly consulting in my professional duties.

Classification EDRMS and ECM Records Management

Seven ways for records management to green your business

Most of us are aware of the chilling environmental catastrophe lurking around the corner if we don’t do something drastic now to lesson our tread on the planet’s fragile ecosystem. Here are some no-nonsense, effective tips to not only alter your behaviour to save the planet but make considerable long-term cost and efficiency savings for […]

Freedom of Information Records Management

Early day motion on freedom of information and fees

Further to the post below, the DCA recently issued the following announcement: At 10am today, 16th December 2006, the Department for Constitutional Affairs published the consultation document ‘Draft Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2007’.

EDRMS and ECM Records Management

The National Archives: providing inspirational leadership

Bright, enthusiastic and driven to bring information management to the fore in the minds of the nation’s leaders, Natalie Ceeney, the youthful ‘Keeper of the Records’ at The National Archives delivered an inspirational opening address to the delegates of the twenty-first Records Management in Government conference in Newcastle on the 4th of October, 2006.

Data Protection Records Management

Disaster recovery planning: prepare your records now

Disasters in a records management context involve situations that could cause irrevocable damage to an institution’s records. As far as both paper and computer records are concerned, disasters can range from a small fire setting off some sprinklers to the complete flooding of a basement where an organisation’s records are stored, to a slow leak […]